

마지막 업데이트 4년 전
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Hi all! In the last post, we went over how to input the main and sub-title by using h1 and h2 tags. HTML is not hard as you might think if you memorize some tags. I will use some of these tags but you can check more tags in w3schools.com

Today, let’s go over how to input an image

1. image tag = <img>

So, image. Before you use any image that you downloaded from the internet. Please do check whehther you can use for commercial use for that specific image.

You can download free image that you can use for commercial purpose as well via pexels.com


You can input an image by using imgtag in your html. Note that imgtag does not have an ending tag unlike other tags require. Let’s put some image in hello.htmlfile.

Let’s open the file we worked on last time.

        <div class="main-title">
            <h1>Guide for HTML Beginners!</h1>        

        <div class="sub-title">
            <h2>A complete guide for HTML beginners</h2>

        <div class="main-picture">


        <div class="main-contents">


2. Inputting an Image

I will put imgtag under main-picture section. Note that imgtag follows srcwhich you need to input address or source of your image. I will use the image in my computer, but you will need to save your image in cloud file when you upload the file on server.

        <div class="main-title">
            <h1>Guide for HTML Beginners!</h1>        

        <div class="sub-title">
            <h2>A complete guide for HTML beginners</h2>

        <div class="main-picture">
            <img src="file:///Users/sunbee/Downloads/computer-hands-laptop-2115217.jpg"

        <div class="main-contents">


Let’s how it look on a browser.

Uploading an Image
Uploading an Image

Hi, it's Alexis here! I recently began studying coding (basically HTML) and thought I can share some of infos (that I've been learning so far) with some of you who just stepped into this world. I will be posting the basics of HTML and others including stuff like "Mac How to..."

Essedrop - 이미지 주소를 만드는 가장 빠른 방법

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