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How to create Ubuntu USB booting drive in your Mac

마지막 업데이트 3년 전
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Here’s some tips on how to create a drive in USB to install Ubuntu in your Mac.

This post will create a drive to install Ubuntu version 18.04.1 LTS. The size of the program is around 1.95G, so you will need more than 4G of USB.

ubuntu logo

1. Formatting USB (FAT32) through SD Card Formatter

You want clean USB before we create a disc. Have you USB into SD, SDHC, SDXC memory card format via SD Card Formatter. If you’re Mac user, you can download the program through the follwoing link.

Have your USB inserted to your Mac and click Format button.

SD Card Formatter
SD Card Formatter

2. Download Ubuntu ISO

Download Ubuntu ISO that you want to install. You can download the program from the following link. I downloaded 18.04.1 LTS version.

Downloading Ubuntu by clicking Download button
Downloading Ubuntu by clicking Download button

3. Create USB installation disc via Etcher

Etcher is an utility program which you cna use for Windows/Mac/Linux. It is easy to use. You can download Etcher through the following link.

It’s easy to use

  • Run Etcher
  • Select image and download Ubuntu
  • Select USB
  • click Flash!

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